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A meeting of the FIA International Tourism Alliance (AIT) General Assemblies was held in Baku
2023-12-07 12:25:00

The 125th anniversary of the FIA ​​International Tourism Alliance (AIT) coincided with the FIA ​​week in Baku. A meeting of the AIT General Assemblies was held in our capital within the framework of the FIA week. The main goal of the International Tourism Alliance (AIT), which represents the interests of the automobile clubs, is to support the development of all types of international tourism, primarily motor tourism. The members of the association deal with issues such as organizing seminars and consultations on the problems of improving the services provided to motorists, simplifying customs rules, and improving roads and highways.

A meeting of the FIA University graduates was also held on December 6th. Established in 2011 to assist FIA mobility clubs in realizing their full potential, the FIA University aims to enhance member organizations at national, regional, and global levels and share new knowledge and leadership. Certificates were presented to the recent graduates of the FIA University at the Baku meeting.

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