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Intellectual competition "Let's learn road safety" takes place
2021-12-23 16:41:00

The intellectual competition "Let's learn road safety" was held at the Heydar Aliyev Center, and was co-organized by the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation and the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Regional Development Public Union.


Teams of 7th-8th graders from 55 secondary schools of Baku city participated in the intellectual competition. The purpose of the project is to protect the lives and health of road users of all ages, promote safe and respectful behavior on the road, teach school children traffic rules and acquaint them with vehicles. 


It is worth mentioning that a training session was held on December 18 to prepare participants for the aforementioned topics. To prepare for the competition, the students also used the relevant publications of the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation.


The questions dealt with a variety of topics such as the history of traffic rules and automobiles, road users, pedestrians and cyclists, driving rights, traffic rules, etc. The jury selected the winners of first, second, and third places among 55 teams based on the outcomes of the three rounds of the competition. According to the decision, the students of secondary school No. 211 took first place, the students of the technical-humanitarian lyceum No. 2 took second place, and the students of the secondary school No. 275 took third place.

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