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Baku Drift Cup 2021
2021-11-20 09:55:00

The Baku Drift Cup tournament, organized by the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation and the Aquatics Palace of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan took place on November 20. The race was full of exciting moments.


A parade of drift and sports cars, a "burnout" and a drift show with the participation of "Volkicar" and sports cars were organized for motorsport fans.


The main purpose of drifting competitions is to promote motorsports, arouse interest in this field, and identify local athletes and experts who can represent our country in international competitions.


Car races enable drivers who violate the rules by speeding on public roads to demonstrate their passion for speed in official sports arenas. This, in turn, contributes to road safety.


The Public Union for Regional Development and the Baku City Circuit provided organizational support for the Drift Cup competition.


Niall Gunn, promoter of the "Drift All Stars European Series," and judges invited from the Bahrain Automotive Federation evaluated the participants.


The winner of this year's Cup was Fakhri Gulmamadov with his BMW E36. Congratulations to the winner!

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